T4500 Auto synchronisator

T4500 Auto synchronisator

Productgroep: [4801] Selco


Automatic synchronisation
Automatic voltage matching
Relay based speed control
Adjustable breaker make time
50 hour burn-in before test
Certified for marine use

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  Artnr. Naam VPE Bruto prijs
T4500.0010 Auto Synchronizer. 400/450V 1 st. € 2252,43
T4500.0020 Auto Synchronizer. 230V 5A 1 st. € 2252,43
T4500.0030 Auto Synchronizer. 415/480V 1 st. € 2252,43
T4500.0050 Auto Synchronizer. 120/127V 5A 1 st. € 2252,43
T4500.0060 Auto Synchronizer. 100/110V 1 st. € 2252,43
T4500.0070 Auto Synchronizer. 600V 1 st. € 2252,43

The SELCO T4500 Auto-Synchroniser provides automatic synchronisation and connection of a generator to a live bus bar.

The T4500 measures the voltage across two phases on either side of the circuit breaker in order to obtain data on frequency, phase and voltage deviation

The T4500 will automatically adjust the speed of the generator (through the governor) in order to match the frequency and phase to the live busbar. Two built-in relays provide the increase and decrease pulses for a conventional governor. The strength (width) of the pulses is proportional to the frequency/phase deviation. The E7800 Motorised Potentiometer can be used to adapt the contact pulses to a signal suitable for the speed trim input of an electronic speed controller.

The T4500 will continuously adjust the generator speed until frequency and phase is within limits. The signal to close the circuit breaker is issued just before phase accordance is obtained. This is done in order to compensate for the circuit breaker make time

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  • Scherp geprijsd
  • Flexibel en klantgericht
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