T4900 Var load sharer

T4900 Var load sharer

Productgroep: [4801] Selco


Reactive load sharing
System voltage control
Relay based voltage control
Soft unload with breaker trip
50 hour burn-in before test
Certified for marine use

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  Artnr. Naam VPE Bruto prijs
T4900.0010 VAr Load Sharer. 400/450V 5A 1 st. € 2437,23
T4900.0020 VAr Load Sharer. 230V 5A 1 st. € 2437,23
T4900.0030 VAr Load Sharer. 415/480V 5A 1 st. € 2437,23
T4900.0050 VAr Load Sharer. 100/110V 1A 1 st. € 2437,23
T4900.0060 VAr Load Sharer. 400/450V 1A 1 st. € 2437,23
T4900.0070 VAr Load sharer 415/480V 1A 1 st. € 1902,84
T4900.0080 VAr Load sharer 600V 1A 1 st. € 1902,84

The SELCO T4900 VAr-Load Sharer is designed to control a generator operating in parallel with the grid, or a generator operating in parallel with other generators (which are also controlled by T4900 units).

The T4900 will continuously measure and compare the reactive current on the generator to an external DC reference signal connected to the "parallel line" input. The T4900 will increase or decrease the voltage of the generator (through the AVR) if it finds the reactive current level to be either too low or too high. Two built-in relays provide the increase and decrease pulses for the automatic voltage regulator (AVR). The strength (width) of the pulses is proportional to the voltage deviation. The E7800 Motorised Potentiometer can be used to adapt the contact pulses to a signal suitable for most AVR's

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  • Scherp geprijsd
  • Flexibel en klantgericht
#Tip1 De voorraad controleren

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