M2100 Nood generator controller

M2100 Nood generator controller

Productgroep: [4801] Selco


Automatic Mains Failure (AMF)
Engine protection
Highly reliable
50 hour burn-in before test
Certified for marine use

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  Artnr. Naam VPE Bruto prijs
M2100.0020 Emergency controller 24V DC, IP54 1 st. € 2028,72
M2100.0050 Emergency controller 12V DC, IP54 1 st. € 1374,49

The SELCO M2100 Emergency Controller will control and protect any stand-alone generator driven by a combustion engine. The M2100 performs the role of an AMF system (Automatic Mains Failure), as it continuously monitors the main supply for possible disruptions.

An external voltage relay (e.g. the T3100 Voltage Relay or the T3300 Voltage Relay (three phase) will activate the M2100 in case the main supply is lost. A programmable start delay prevents unnecessary start ups due to short term power glitches. The M2100 can be programmed to perform multiple start attempts with intermediate rest times

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